Встреча с представителями Посольства Венгрии в Узбекистане
Meeting with representatives of the Embassy of Hungary in Uzbekistan On January 30, a meeting was held at “UzAssets” JSC […]
Meeting with representatives of the Embassy of Hungary in Uzbekistan On January 30, a meeting was held at “UzAssets” JSC […]
Meeting with the mission of the International Monetary Fund On September 19, a meeting was held between the management of
Meeting with the Chairman of the Board Republican Stock Exchange “Toshkent” Georgiy Paresishvili On August 27, a meeting was held
The Memorandum on Mutual Cooperation was signed between the Green Economy Center and “UzAssets” JSC The Memorandum on Mutual Cooperation
Meeting at UzAssets JSC with the mission of the Asian Development Bank On August 5, at UzAsset JSC, a meeting
Meeting with representatives of the Asian Development Bank at “UzAssets” JSC On July 23, a meeting was held with representatives
Meeting with Representatives from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) On July 10, representatives from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) met
Meeting at UzAssets JSC with representatives of the World Bank On July 10, the management of UzAssets JSC met with
Meeting with representatives “UzAssets” and the International Monetary Fund On May 3 this year, representatives of the International Monetary Fund
“UzAssets” JSC engages in strategic dialogue with the World Bank in Uzbekistan On April 8th, an important dialogue took place